Percentile Analysis report
This report shows a number of key performance metrics for selected teams and highlights their Latent Capacity at a target percentile of Productivity (i.e. the amount of time they would have gained if they had worked at that percentile). It also shows how closely Work In and Productivity are correlated.
This report shows how much potential time could be available and work that could be completed if the current Productivity were stabilised, encouraging the best practise of the AOM method. It also helps team leaders to monitor how successfully the implementation of AOM is breaking the link between Work In and Productivity.
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Latent capacity details the proportion of the team's Core Time that would have become available to them if they had consistently worked at the level of Productivity selected in the Productivity Percentile field when running the report. Fluctuating daily performance will impact the amount of Latent capacity within each workgroup.
For each team included in the workgroup selected when running the report, the chart will detail the:
Latent Capacity, additional capacity that would have been available for the team to utilise if they had maintained daily performance at the percentile value selected when running the report. The chart displays Latent Capacity in hours.
Productivity Improvement Implied, the percentage increase to the actual productivity achieved that could have been achieved had actual productivity stabilised at the percentile value selected when running the report.
The chart will also illustrate the Overall Latent Capacity in hours for the workgroup over the period being reviewed.
The key metrics table displays metrics relating to workload, performance and opportunity for the selected workgroup and each child workgroup for the reporting period. The metrics displayed at the highest level represent the entire reporting period, but each team can be expanded to view this data by day.
Time Worked (Hours)
Core Time (Hours)
Work In (Hours)
Work Out (Hours)
WIP (Hours)
Diverted (Hours)
Utilisation (%)
Productivity (%)
Lowest Productivity (%)
Highest Productivity (%)
Productivity At 85th Percentile (%)
Work Out Opp. At X Percentile (Hours)
Latent Capacity (Hours)
Latent Capacity (%)
Correlation Co-efficient (r)
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